Tuesday, February 19, 2008


What led to this fight were words. This person was talking bad about me constantly. I did try to avoid the fight by ignoring him but one day my anger took control. He started sating things about my family. So I swung on him we went at it for about ten minutes or so. The out come of the fight was actually a good one. A day or two after the fight we apologized and we both gained a new respect for one another. i did learn a lesson it was not to let what people say get to me there opinion is theirs and it doesn’t matter.

Monday, February 11, 2008

How can growing up be both exciting and painful?

Growing up can be exciting because you are finally independent. You can finally do things on your own. There is no longer a need to be supervised. You can make your own money and buy your own things. Growing up can also be painful because making your own money comes with responsibility. Like helping your parents with the bills. Going to work every day and actually doing your work. You can no longer depend on anyone but yourself . you cant just spend all your money on clothes and things like that. You have to save for emergencies.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

When is breaking the law justified?

I do not think Britain upheld there side of the deal. They were still trying to run America. The British keep charging them taxes. The colonist came to America to for religion. I think its real messed up how the British did things.
Then when the colonist wrote up the declaration of independence. The British retaliated against every person who signed. The colonists were standing up for what they believe.
I think a good example of when people broke the law because the government was not upholding justice? The United States in 2000 submitted reports on its compliance with two international human rights treaties- the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination and the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment-to the respective treaty monitoring bodies. Both reports acknowledged significant abuses of the rights affirmed in those treaties.
The report also glossed over the impact of the reservations, after Native Americans got together and marched.

Monday, February 4, 2008

revolutionary times boston massacre

1.what I learned about the revolutionary times was that they spoke alot different then they do today.
2. what surprised me the most about the passage was the way the british soldiers reacted to the men from what i read the men did not bring this act of violence upon themselves.